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  • Krissie D.

Day 1.....Shocker.Reflection.

Here it goes. Blogging my journey to becoming a FIT MOM again. I started my day off by getting on the scale and weighing myself. I was shocked but then again I wasn't. I haven't weighed this much in five years.

What happened to me?

Three years ago, I was at 178 pounds and was doing a photoshoot for the first time. I felt amazing at this weight and I had roughly about 15 pounds to go. I was eating well and was working out 5 days a week.

But for real, what happened?

Literally, life happened. I was working two jobs. One as a Dietitian and the other as a Nutrition Coach at the gym I worked out at. The hours were grueling between the two but I loved what I did. During this time, I got pneumonia. Now that sucks. I never really bounced back after that. I would get off from work with no energy whatsoever. All I wanted to do was sleep but I forced myself to go to the gym. I knew it was good for me. Then the weight started to creep up. At this time, nothing has changed. I was getting discouraged. But I persisted in going to the gym.

In October, I went in for my yearly ultrasound for my thyroid. I have the lovely disease called Hashimatos Disease - inflammation of the thyroid where the body is attacking itself. Then I had my follow up with endocrinologist. She reported that my thyroid has doubled in size again. I advised her of my symptoms and she said they were related. Fantastic. She gave me three options. 1: Another biopsy 2: Wait 6 months and see what happens/then do biopsy. 3: Removal of the Thyroid.

I was tired of having biopsy. My last one was painful. I told her I was done. I want the thing out. She went over the risk and long term medication requirements. I hated waiting for the what if? Will it be cancer and benign. A week later, I met with the surgeon. He was able to get my surgery in quickly. (I was starting a new job in a few weeks.)

My thyroid nodules were larger than what appeared on the ultrasound. It was so large it was wrapped around my vocal chords. He was surprised the only symptoms I had was extreme fatigue and weight gain. It should have been worst.

Now, this is where the fun begins. I spent six months in hyperthyroidism mode. Instead of losing weight, I gained more. The frustration was kicking in big time. I was an emotional mess when I was with my provider. I was working out again and eating great and still putting the pounds on. They tried to educate me on proper nutrition and exercise. Which I gladly told them, I am a dietitian and I know what to eat. To make an even longer story, it took awhile to get my labs under control.

I got desperate after this. I hired an online trainer to help me with exercises and even let him put me on a meal plan. Of course, I had to approve it. Well, this was a joke. He had no follow up with me. I would text or email him for motivation and I would receive nothing. But I plugged away. I lost weight with his diet and regimen but work got crazy again. I was working 50 hours per week and rarely seeing my family. This while getting ready to publish my first book. Something had to give and that was exercise. I maintained for awhile but then summer. Summer in my area = beer drinking and lots of beer drinking.

I was not working out and I was drinking a lot. In this time, I was eating bigger portions of healthy food except for the random house parties I would attend. Then October of last year hit, I fell down the freaking stairs and broke my damn ankle. I was in a boot for 8 weeks. It took literally 10 months to heal that bad boy.

And here I am today, weighing the most I have in a long time. I weighed in at 199 pounds. There I said it. It is out in the open. I know some of things that happened to me might be considered excuses. Maybe so, I am not denying it.

But TODAY, I have decided to take control of my life and make me healthier again. Yes, I want to lose weight but it is more about being happy with myself and feeling good again. In a few hours, I will be heading to CrossFit to get my ass handed to me. My diet has been spot on. I'm excited.

Thank you for coming along and reading about my journey. I promise it will be quite interesting.


Before pictures!

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