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  • Krissie D.

Won't give up - Week 2

What the hell happened this week?

Well, it was a big reflection week for me to be honest. I came to the conclusion that in order to be happy with your life, you must be happy with yourself. DUH. This should be a given, right? The last five years I have felt that I needed to put on this persona. You know tame Kris back a bit. Why you ask? Because my chosen career, we have a certain imagine we need to be. Professional. Don't get me wrong, you need to be professional in important times. But I was always told you are a representation of who you work for wherever you are. This is not true. Yes, you can work for a place and still be you. Professionally, I was starting to be unhappy. I loved my patients and they were what kept me going. The companies I worked for were about the bigger picture, dollar bills. And the fucking DRAMA in my profession. Seriously, you can't have someone do the job a tad better than you. There are a lot of insecure individuals out there but to take a person down with one mistake, is vindictive. Oh well, they have to live with themselves and KARMA is a bitch. I'm still working on this forgiveness part. I'm getting close. God has been remarkable in leading in this path. I will get there soon. Well, I hope.

With that, I decided I am going to be me. Beautifully flawed and all. This is who I am. I am loud. I am outspoken. I hate being wrong (shit, I'm always right). I am that friend who is not afraid to go down when need be - in other words, "I don't put up with shit." I am fucking hilarious. I have a dirty mind. I listen to heavy metal and I have tattoos. On top of this all, I write hilarious smut stories. I OWN IT. From here on, the Kris that I miss oh so much, is back y'all. You best recognize.

I have a lot in store for me. By the way, this lovely reflection came on my walk yesterday. I love how walking and taking in the scenery can clear ones mind. I recommend doing it.

The lovely trail I hit up when I go for my walks. This trail is on the smaller part of the lake.


Okay, back to my fitness journey. Well, I am so damn proud of myself. I made it to CrossFit four times last week, on top of doing my walks. I worked out 6 days last week. Hot damn. It really felt good. No, seriously it did. I would like to take a minute to discuss this beautiful thing called CrossFit. Yep, I drank the Kool-Aid. I can't get over how challenging this workout is. I look at my Wodify app when I am going to CrossFit and always think, "Today is the day. I'm going to die." Here is the thing, I don't die. I feel completely exhausted. I sleep fantastic on CrossFit days. I cannot wait to see how where I go with this. I am just excited about getting stronger. Side note, I DO NOT like the "Sally go Down. Sally go Up" squat challenge. My legs are still on fire.

Here is a picture of my peeps. Can you believe it that we are all smiling after our workout? Crazy, I tell ya.

If you are ever in Omaha, please check out this box - CrossFit Papio.

Yes, the exercising part is going well. But not everything is sunshine and rainbows. I got on the scale today and it didn't budge. I had a feeling that was going to happen because I lost 5 pounds my first week. None the less, it still sucks. I have been tracking what I eat, even when I slip up. Yes, I slip up. I'm human. Time and time again, we let the scale dictate our lives. I know that it shouldn't but it does. However, my clothes are already fitting better. This is what gave me hope. I had a little more confidence in my sass.


I got this. My two degrees in nutrition and background in sports nutrition is definitely paying off. If this continues to go like I want it to, who knows where this will lead me. Maybe consulting? Who knows?

Below is a picture of my dinner tonight. Sooooo good. Get in my belly. Nom. Nom. Nom.

Well, I probably should get back to my work for tomorrow's lecture. It has been fun. Until next time. SMOOCHES - Kristine

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